Monday, June 2, 2014

Econ 210_Online_FAQ_Public

What is the course syllabus?
Here is a link to the syllabus for the course.

Is the course completely online?
Yes, the course will be completely online.

Will exams/meetings would occur in person or classroom settings?
Exams will be online.

Is the course was self-paced?
Much of the work will be self-paced. Exceptions are tests and collaborative work. I plan to have everyone take the exams at the same time or within a narrowly defined window of time. I also hope to include some collaborative work which must be completed together in narrow windows of time.

Can I finish the course early?
Since the final exam is the last part of the course and will be (almost) synchronous, you cannot finish the course until the last day of class.

What time zone do I use for Aplia?

When you register for Aplia, be sure that you are registered to use the time zone for Richmond, VA. All due dates are set using Eastern Daylight time. If you use a different time zone, the time Aplia says an assignment is due differs from when Aplia closes an assignment.


Friday, May 9, 2014

What would I be doing instead?

Research. Writing a paper or analyzing data from a recent experiment.

Your instructor

Where are you residing while taking the course?
Richmond, VA USA

Why are you taking the course?
VCU pays me?

What is one interesting thing about you?
I rode a bicycle across the USA in Summer 2013. Click here for a (still under-construction) blog.

What do you expect to learn in this course.

I hope to learn more about two things.
  1. online learning 
  2. what connections students make between the course and their lives.