Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What happens when supply decreases?


TOPICS: Environmental Issues, Supply and Demand
SUMMARY: Gasoline prices have surged across the Southeast, as the partial closure of a major pipeline has left some gas stations scrambling for fuel and many drivers stuck in lines to fill their tanks.
CLASSROOM APPLICATION: Students can evaluate the effect of a supply disruption in the gasoline market on gasoline prices. They can also consider the effect of the nimby status of energy infrastructure on possible disruptions and environmental disasters of an aging infrastructure.
1. (Advanced) How does the expectation that gas stations will run out of fuel in the near future on the possibility that the stations will run out of fuel immediately?

2. (Introductory) What is the effect of the partial closure of the Colonial pipeline on gasoline prices in the affected areas?

3. (Advanced) What is a "nimby"? Are energy infrastructure facilities nimbies? What problems will the nimby classification create for U.S. energy supply?
Reviewed By: James Dearden, Lehigh University

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